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Naunton Park
Primary School

Latest News

Please see the articles below to find out what we have been up to!


For PGL photos, take a look on our Photo Galleries page.

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  • Captains for 2021-22

    Published 27/09/21

    Year 6 children have been voting for our new House Captains and Sports Captains.  

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  • Year 6 PGL 2021

    Published 21/06/21

    Please keep checking back for more photos each day!

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  • Sports Day 2021

    Published 15/06/21

    Due to COVID restrictions, our Sports Days have had to look a bit different this year.  We have continued to offer a range of experiences for the children, while adhering to government and LA guidance, and have offered KS2 children the competitive aspects of Sports Day as well. 

    During Sports Days, children had the opportunity to practice/compete in activities relating to:

    - Golf

    - Croquet

    - Football (penalties)

    - Basketball

    - Agility

    - Tennis

    - Running

    - Fitness

    - Throwing

    - Jumping

    - Balance

    - Hockey


    Please take a look at some photos from our Sports Day experiences...

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  • Arts Week 2021

    Published 26/05/21

    The children have been enjoying learning about Japan to celebrate this year's Olympics through art, dance, drama, music and sport.

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  • Clap for Children

    Published 01/04/21

    We clapped for our carers, now we've clapped for our children.


    Our children are the first generation to be confined to their homes; to have their freedom taken away; to not be able to play with their friends.


    On the last day of the Spring Term, all staff joined together, watched on by our pupils, to clap for them.  We wanted to let them know how much we appreciate them, that we applaud them and that we thank them.

    Schools across the county Clapped for Children with Child Friendly Gloucestershire.

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  • Year 2 India Day

    Published 26/03/21

    Why is our food so fabulous?


    Year 2 definitely had the chance to answer our big question on a ‘WOW’ day this week. The day began with the children immersing their senses in the spices, smells and sounds of India. Both classrooms were full of fun, laughter and discussion about Indian clothing, food, music and artefacts.. After this, the children got to shower the playground in powder paint, just as people would do in the festival of colours called Holi. Rangoli patterns were also made with some very intricate and imaginative designs. The highlight of the day was the Indian banquet and the children got to try a range of dishes such as pilau rice, samosas, onion bhajis, chicken bhuna, kolee molee and the favourite...naan bread! 

    “I wish we could turn back time and eat all of that food all over again” Zeke, Blue Class.


    Thank you so much to Indian Brasserie for cooking such a delicious feast for us. 


    We rounded off the day with some traditional Indian Dance, which was more of a shuffle than a dance after all the food we consumed! 


    It was lovely to have a special topic day, which we have not been able to do for so long. 

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  • Comic Relief 2021

    Published 18/03/21


    This year, to support and raise money for Comic Relief, we invited children and staff to come dressed as either someone funny OR a superhero.  Please take a look at some of our hilarious and super costumes below.

    We also explored what makes us laugh and what makes us feel happy.  Below our photos, you'll find some of the things that make us happy!

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  • Spring Term Parent Consultations

    Published 12/03/21

    Please click on the letters and guidance below for details about our Spring Term Parent Consultations.

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  • Virtual phonics information presentation

    Published 14/12/20

    Please view the below presentation from the Year 1 teaching team, which provides Year 1 parents with more information about phonics teaching, supporting children at home and the Phonic Screening Check itself.


    Please ensure that your sound is on as the teachers talk through the presentation while you view it.

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  • Virtual Christmas performance

    Published 14/12/20

    As you know we have been working hard in school to keep things as normal as possible during this festive season, including Christmas parties and Christmas lunch.

    You would have been forgiven for thinking that the nativity, however, has had to be cancelled due to our inability to hold performances.  However, we really didn't want the children (or parents) to miss out.  So, we have been creative!

    Thanks to the enthusiasm of your wonderful children and the hard work of the teachers and teaching partners (and Mr Hill for his editing skills!), I am proud to say that we have produced an online montage depicting the nativity.

    Please click on the link below to enjoy our version of the Christmas story.


    Please can I ask that this link is only shared with family and friends and NOT shared on social media platforms.  The link sits on our YouTube channel but only those people with the link will be able to watch.

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  • Year 6 Leavers' Celebrations

    Published 15/07/20
    Leavers' performances & presentations Please go to the following You Tube pages to view our Leavers' performances and presentations: Dance like no-one is watching - Goodbye m
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  • Kate Phillips Award 2020

    Published 14/07/20

    The Knowledge and Perseverance award is given in memory of Miss Kate Phillips, a former teacher at Naunton Park Primary School.  This year the award goes to Roan Evans. 

    Miss Phillips valued creativity, individuality and perseverance as among the most important qualities that a child could have and there is no doubt that Roan holds all of these attributes. 

    Roan is one of those people that we all wish we could be; he is the best of us. He shows a real enthusiasm for learning and a desire to achieve everything that he can. His attitude towards all aspects of school life has been nothing short of outstanding and he has demonstrated great determination to reach his potential. He is a conscientious worker with a genuine desire to meet the expectations of staff and he takes pride in every piece of work he does. Throughout his time at Naunton Park, Roan has proved that he has impeccable manners. He was an excellent talking partner who has been both supportive and encouraging to those he has worked with. Without fail, he has worked hard individually, in a pair or within a small group, Furthermore, he has proved to be an excellent role model to the younger children and has been everything that we would wish of a member of our school. All of this comes naturally to Roan with no thought to gaining praise or reward; he is quite simply, that child.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: ‘To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else, is the greatest accomplishment’. Roan, please always be your wonderful self and make the world a better place simply by being here.

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