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Naunton Park
Primary School

Latest News

Please see the articles below to find out what we have been up to!


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  • Lockdown video from the staff

    Published 26/04/20

    Please click on the link below to watch the video.

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  • Storytime with your teachers

    Published 25/03/20

    Click on a video below to hear and see your teacher read a story.  More stories can be viewed on the school's Facebook page.

    Mrs Martin...




    Mrs Coughlan...



    Miss Francis...




    Mrs Turner reading "Not now, Bernard":




    Mrs Doggett reading "Stanley's Stick":




    Mrs Horne reading "Amos Jellybean Gets it Right":

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  • World Book Day 2020

    Published 06/03/20

    A big thank you to parents for providing a huge variety of World Book Day costumes yesterday.  The children were very enthusiastic to share their costumes and the book they came from with their classes.  A definite highlight of the day was our visits from ‘Mystery Readers’ so thank you to all those who took part.

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  • Young Voices 2020

    Published 29/01/20

    We had a fabulous time performing at Young Voices 2020!  After months of rehearsals during our weekly "Young Voices Club", we performed alongside thousands of other children and teachers to a full arena of friends and family.  We loved every second of the performance and were glad that we could even spot our parents in the audience.


    Thank you to our families for coming to join in the fun!

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  • Maths Puzzles

    Published 24/01/20

    This week, we have all enjoyed taxing our brains through some extra Maths!  Maths Puzzles have been set up in the hall for children and staff to have a go at.  We worked on our own, with a friend and in groups to test our problem solving skills, determination, resilience and teamwork and be curious, confident learners.

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  • Australian Bushfire Appeal

    Published 10/01/20

    We are holding an event to raise money for the Australian Bushfire.

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  • Remembrance Day

    Published 11/11/19

    Today we remembered and thanked our fallen soldiers through a two-minute silence following The Last Post.  Mrs Hill led an assembly prior to this to teach the children about the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month and we watched a very thought-provoking film, appropriate to the children's age, about what it is that we are remembering and thanking our heroes for.  The children carried out their silent reflections superbly and very respectfully.  Thank you to Mr King for playing The Last Post to begin our silence.

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  • DT Week

    Published 18/10/19

    What a week!  We've been planning, designing, creating, evaluating and celebrating throughout the school working on a range of projects.  The week culminated in our DT Sharing, where we exhibited all of our work for the school to see.

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  • Harvest 2019

    Published 10/10/19

    Food glorious food!

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  • Open Days for YR 2020 entry

    Published 26/09/19

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  • Year 6 Pop Up Market

    Published 12/07/19

    To end Year 6's Young Enterprise Project, we held a Pop Up Market to sell, celebrate and provide services for the rest of the school.  At the market, there was all sorts, from chocolate fountains, to Lego figures, home-made t-shirts and homemade cakes.  The market has shown a great community spirit, while teaching children about budgeting, planning, organisation, handling money, teamwork, patience and resilience.  Thank you to parents for supporting the project and to the PTA for loaning each child in Year 6 £2 to kick-start their project.

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  • Open Classrooms 2019

    Published 05/07/19

    On Tuesday 2nd July, family and friends were invited into school to look at and celebrate our children's work from this academic year.  Children not only shared their work with their parents, but also showed them their current classroom and their new classroom for September.

    Here are some examples of the work that we shared:

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