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Naunton Park
Primary School

Latest News

Please see the articles below to find out what we have been up to!


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  • Summer Concert 2019

    Published 05/07/19

    On Tuesday 2nd July, parents, friends, family and staff were treated to an evening of musicianship thanks to pupils from YR to Y6.  We were treated to music by violinists, guitarists, ukulele players, woodwind players, singers and pianists.  Some children performed in groups while others opted for solos or duets.  It was a wonderful example of confidence and pride by our pupils, who never fail to amaze us.  Well done to everyone involved.

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  • POW track events

    Published 21/06/19

    We were so proud of all of the children who participated in the Athletics Competition at The Prince of Wales stadium on Wednesday evening. Surprisingly, it didn’t rain and ever more amazing the sun actually shone! Our children demon-strated enthusiasm, effort and true sportsmanship during the entire event. Congratulations to all involved!

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  • PGL - Day 5

    Published 14/06/19

    The rain has stopped in Torquay for Year 6's final morning at PGL.

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  • PGL - Day 4

    Published 13/06/19

    Well it's raining again this morning but last night we managed to have some fun in the sun when we played "Robot Wars".  Despite the weather, we're determined to make the most of it by doing zip wire, fencing, quad biking and aeroball today.  Who could forget the disco tonight!

    Waiting for lunch isn't this much fun in school!


    More from today...

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  • PGL - Day 3

    Published 12/06/19

    After a long day yesterday and a lie-in this morning, activities are underway.

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  • PGL - Day 2

    Published 11/06/19

    Good morning from Torquay!  Everyone slept well and, although we woke up to yet more rain, we're enjoying bacon, spaghetti and mushrooms for breakfast.  We're feeling excited for orienteering, trapeze, buggy building and abseiling.


    Despite the rain, all activities will continue as planned.  The children won't have chance to notice the rain!  There are however shelters for the children to use while waiting for their turn on things like abseiling and climbing.

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  • PGL - Day 1

    Published 10/06/19

    Year 6 enjoyed a rainy trip to the beach in Sidmouth on the way to Torquay.  The rain, however, didn't dampen spirits and everyone managed to enjoy an ice cream!


    Monday afternoon:

    Year 6 have arrived at Barton Hall.

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  • District Swimming Gala 2019

    Published 24/05/19

    On 23rd May 2019, NPPS entered a fabulously talented team for the District Swimming Gala.  Both of our relay teams qualified for the final with the Year 6 relay team earning themselves bronze medals.  All individual and team swims were a superb example of determination and skill.  Well done to everyone involved and thank you to Mrs Waring for leading the team and to all parents, staff and friends who went along to cheer the team on.

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  • Sir Geoff Hurst football tournament

    Published 24/05/19

    The second year of our Sir Geoff Hurst football tournament took place on 22nd May 2019 and what a day it was!  Schools from across the county took part in a terrific day of sport and community spirit on the park.  Thank you to Mr O'Connor and Mr Hyett for organising the day and to Sir Geoff Hurst himself.

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  • Arts Week 2019

    Published 09/04/19

    This year's theme for Arts Week was "print". 


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