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Naunton Park
Primary School


Naunton Park Primary is an inclusive, community school.

The Governors are also committed to ensure that the admissions to the School reflect the full range of ability. Admissions to Naunton Park Primary will be co-ordinated through Gloucestershire Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Scheme and its timetable. Parents will need to apply for a place in the Reception class of the School on the Common Application Form if they wish their child to be considered for a place.

The School admits 60 children to the Primary Phase.  The school's PAN (Published Admission Number) is 60 in all year groups. 

Parents/carers applying for their child to attend Naunton Park should follow the Gloucestershire County Council's application procedures (see below). Where the number of applications is greater than the published admission number, the county council's over-subscription criteria will be applied.

In-year admissions are also managed by Gloucestershire County Council.  More information can be found here:

Contact Admissions and Transfer Team
Address Gloucestershire County Council,
Shire Hall,
Gloucester, GL1 2TP



01452 425407

School admissions is often a very anxious time for parents. We encourage parents to visit our school and welcome enquiries.  For a discussion about our school or to arrange a visit, please contact the school office on 01242513114 or email

For September intakes, we hold formal open days at which the headteacher delivers a presentation and then parents are given a tour of the school during school hours.  Please book onto a tour by contacting the school office.

All other information about the school can be found on this website.  For new parents, the most useful pages to look at are:

Please also view our newsletters to take a glimpse into daily and weekly life at Naunton Park Primary School.