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Naunton Park
Primary School


Please view our information here about Naunton Park Primary's PTA


We are a group of parents who work to raise money to support the school in providing the “extras” that help to make Naunton Park such a great experience for the children.

We raise about £10,000 a year through our events, and in the last few years we have bought new curtains for the Hall; purchased the laptop trolley; installed a new and appealing KS2 library; purchased each year group's Leading Literature; paid for the Life Bus for all year groups; subsidised trips and visits, including transport for Year 6 PGL; provided playground toys; bought visualisers and CD players for classrooms; purchased PE equipment and resources for Forest School.... the list goes on. You name it, if it is above and beyond what you’d expect from a school, the PTA have probably had a hand in funding it!

We’re a friendly group, who have a lot of fun as well as raising the money. We’d love to see as many people as possible at the events, but we also welcome new members to meetings if you’d like to come along and help out. You can leave a message for us at the school office, or contact us by email on

All parents are automatically members of the PTA. A PTA committee is formed each year at the Annual AGM which is held in the Autumn Term. The committee usually meet once a term and organise a variety of different events, social and fund raising. A diary of events can be found below. Parents who cannot commit to becoming a member of the committee, but who would like to get involved on an ad hoc basis, can do so by volunteering to help at specific events.

PTA Committee:

  • Emma Chambers - Chair
  • Chris Chambers - Treasurer
  • Kate Carroll - Secretary
  • Emily Truscott - General Committee Member

Members of the committee can be contacted at

Alternatively, you are welcome to leave a message with the school office. Many of us are also in the school playground before and after school.

More information about the PTA can be found here: About Naunton Park Primary PTA ( or by viewing the document below.